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While suffering from a heart condition or seeing some red flags to point towards a future heart problem, the first solution a patient sort after is that of medicine.
There are many medicines available to treat heart disease. While there are some conditions that are not possible to be treated without a surgical procedure, medicine can save a patient big time when the condition is not that serious to need an operation from the trauma of the surgery.
What can Medicine Help You With?
Medicines should foremostly be taken under the guidance of your physician or a heart specialist. It reduces the risk of heart attack, angina, stroke and heart failure. There is no medicine that can treat chromosomal heart defect. They can only help you to manage your symptoms by controlling high blood pressure, and high cholesterol to improve the quality of life.
Tips on taking medicine
Common medicines Prescribed
The medicine prescribed to you depends upon the heart condition and symptoms. For a heart attack or angina, it is normal to take different kind of medicine. The medicine is usually prescribed to
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